Youth Ministries
High-school age and above
Friday Night
Primary Age "Kid's Club"
Junior Youth Group "3way"
Senior Youth Group "The Point" meet every friday night during term time and at other times for social activities. (Years 10-12). Contact Pip and Anthony Wood on 9482 5214 for more info.
Sunday Night Church is the service particularly designed for young people. The music is fresh and contemporary, led by our youth band. Each week we are challenged to see how God’s word relates to our lives.
Mid-Week home Bible Study Groups
The 18+ age group have several groups that meet on evenings during the week at 7:30pm. These groups look at the Bible together, to discover how to understand it for yourself, to pray together, and for mutual encouragement.
Confirmation classes are run once each year (depending on interest). In confirmation, a person publicly declares their Christian faith, taking on themselves the promises that were made on their behalf when they were baptised as an infant. These classes are for those in year 10 or above, to prepare them for the confirmation service later in the year.