The Poolroom
Inspired by the movie ‘The Castle’:
"That is going straight to the poolroom.."
Random gear that is too good or too wacked to even take out of the box.
(click on most stuff in here to take you to a larger image or another
My sister Kate sent
me this bumper sticker from England. I reckon it's heaps mad eh!
bucks! (courtesy
of the Crazy Pole at SLI)
+ alcohol + women's clothing + soap shoes
Canberra + 4 idiots + Hair clippers
It's a Barrel o' fun!
Makes no sense, but it clearly belongs in the poolroom. (image is from the Institute of Official Cheer - see link below)
While this is quite clearly NOT RIGHT
And while we're in the realm of bad taste,
Fetch the lino, honey. We're redecorating!
And grab some spraypaint and stencils while you're there...
or maybe some TARTAN!!
[interior desecration images are from]
Snippets from the warped mind of K
It's the cool & smart!! You must check it!! (links to another site)
The third drawer down is always full of random junk. Have a rummage
Got a poolroom? Want to be part of the poolroom ring? Mail K.